Rightsizing Project

¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ, like many districts, has been facing declining enrollment for many years, mainly due to a declining birthrate, and will be impacted by this trend for at least the next decade. As we strive to maintain the services and opportunities currently offered, ¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ is undergoing a rightsizing process. To achieve this, ¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ plans to consolidate schools, change school boundaries, and/or merge programs for the 2024-25 school year.

In May 2023, the ¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ Board of Education contracted Davis Demographics – MGT to provide a comprehensive demographic study, which includes student forecasting, boundary planning, and contributing additional skills and knowledge beyond the district’s capabilities that will assist in developing research-based strategies to help rightsize the district. It also formed a citizen advisory committee to aid in developing parameters, as well as other key considerations. The parameters approved by the Board in August include:

  • utilizing a capacity rate of at least 80%,
  • exploring a 4K-8 model, and
  • consolidating schools, changing school boundaries, and/or merging school programs

We’d like to take a moment to share why this process is necessary for our district and school communities to be successful in the future:

  • Maintain services and supports for students
    • We are currently spreading services and supports over underutilized buildings, rather than allowing us to have a greater focus over fewer buildings.
  • Offset the 2024-25 funding deficit
    • As enrollment continues to decline and State funding falls short of inflation, initial projections show a deficit of over $15 MM for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
    • If rightsizing is not done to offset the deficit, we will be left to reduce costs in other ways, such as program elimination, staff reductions, etc.
  • Address underutilized boundary school buildings
    • 9 boundary schools are currently at or below 59% utilization
    • 6 boundary schools are currently at 60-69% utilization
    • 7 boundary schools are currently at 70-80% utilization
    • 7 buildings are currently at 81-100% utilization

On Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023, the ¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ Board of Education voted to close EBSOLA-Creative Arts, Jefferson, McKinley, Stocker and Vernon elementary schools; close Lincoln Middle School and move Washington Middle School to the EBSOLA building; and reduce the Reuther Central High School staff by approximately 10 full-time equivalent positions.

These changes were recommended following eight months of a rightsizing process implemented to help offset an estimated $15MM budget deficit for the 2024-25 fiscal year, which consists of a structural deficit, increased health insurance costs, the loss of ESSER funding, and potential salary schedule movements.

Scenario presentation

Rightsizing draft scenarios were presented at the regular school board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Below are supporting documents from that meeting for your review.

A special meeting took place on Wednesday, Nov. 29,Ìý·É³ó±ð°ù±ð final scenarios were recommended to Board members and time was allotted for them to ask questions and engage in discussion.

Discussion and possible action regarding the final scenarios will take place at the regular school board meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. at Indian Trail High School, 6800 60th St.

Community Q&A

While ¿ì²¥ÊÓƵ’s rightsizing is being done for operational reasons, such as the multi-million dollar deficit we are facing and continuously declining enrollment, the district also understands the major impacts this will have on our families and wants to be as supportive and transparent as possible throughout this process. One way of doing so is trying to predict some of the questions that may be circulating in hopes of putting minds at ease as we progress through each phase of this process.Ìý 

Please review this () to learn how rightsizing may impact your family. This is a living document that will be updated throughout time. Please do not hesitate to send additional questions to info@kusd.edu so they can be reviewed, answered, and added to this living document when possible. Our only request is that questions submitted be broad enough to apply to the general population and that specific questions about individual students be directed to your child’s school.Ìý

Community Engagement Session presentation

Please see the resources below from the Oct. 17 and 18 Rightsizing Community Engagement Sessions:

Presentation Slides – English (PDF)

Presentation Slides – Spanish (PDF)

We would also like to clarify a few things we heard at the Rightsizing Community Engagement Sessions held Oct. 17 and 18 to ensure full transparency in this process. Below are impacts that may or may not incur from rightsizing:

  • School closures/consolidations
    • This is intended to address the building utilization issues listed above.
  • Boundary changes
    • This will be needed following consolidation to readjust and realign boundaries to ensure utilization at all buildings align with the 80% goal rate.
  • Class size impact
    • Due to low building utilization, there are currently many classrooms that have fewer students than the class sizes referenced in Policy 6432 – Class Size. Rightsizing will result in more consistent class sizes across the district that are in alignment with the policy. Rightsizing will also reduce the number of multi-age classrooms. In line with past practice and as is noted in policy, reasonable effort will be made to stay in line with class sizes outlined in policy.
  • Staff impact
    • While there will be an impact to staff as we realign, this could mean that some positions will be reassigned to a new building while others may be reduced. Unfortunately, we will not know until final decisions are made regarding any closures, boundary changes and/or program changes.